Wednesday, August 06, 2008


And not the Death Cab for Cutie album.

I’ve been trying to do a few things for friends as of late and they have been all falling through. People don’t care or my life takes a bit of a hiatus and I can’t follow through. I make plans to do something and life or work gets in the way.

Sadly, efforts are either under appreciated, not appreciated whatsoever or quietly appreciated. As of late, I’ve had to stop looking out for others and start looking out for number one. I hate that phrase because it makes it sound like I’m the center of the universe however, I’m far from it. I’ve had to sort out some of my life before others.

/*Sudden backlash.*/

Where is the middle ground? I’d like to find that so I can maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle while pleasing my friends. Cos I like them. A lot.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

The lesson we women need to learn over and over is that you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first. People understand when you need to take care of yourself, and if you sacrifice yourself to give too much, then that can make you resentful of your friends. I think that if the love is there then everything else will fall into place, and I'm very certain that your love is there. :) Take care!