Thursday, July 05, 2007

mid-summer night's update

So, how productive has YOUR summer been?

Have you done anything that you're proud of - learned from new experiences, tried new things, taken your watch off and slowed down a bit?

In April I wrote down some plans for my summer and was reflecting on my accomplishments from that list. Many things have been heading in that direction: camping, travelling, beach attendance and I'm right on my 7.5 stone mark! But it's funny to look at the things that have changed.

I'm no longer taking part in the biodiesel research and it that decision was made in a moment of clarity. Instead, I've started volunteering for the David Suzuki Foundation and have felt, for the first time perhaps, that what I'm doing is making a difference. And that, ladies & gentlemen, instills the warmest feeling possible. You would be surprised in the difference in feelings that you establish when you are in the service of others. Which reminds me of a quote from a gentleman who made a presentation for my EWB course:

"The happiest moments of my life were when I was in the service of others"

When I'm not studying for my remaining math course (rec'd an A- in computer programming - woot!), I've been reading a lot. From these books, I have started creating a plan for myself to follow through in the future. One of them involves travelling to the Far East to study and practice Taoism. A religion based on simplicity and finding happiness in everything, reading about Taoism has caused a shift in the way I perceive my surroundings. And causes no harm; a focal problem with many of the 'modern' religions. After this, Mike & I will head to India to put our engineering knowledge to good use. This has been a dream of mine for ages and just thinking about it excites me.

And, in pure Lindsay fashion, I'm going to end with some lyrics from one of my current favourite songs, Wilco's "Either Way". And yes, I got my wish. Wilco is playing here on August 20th!
Maybe the sun will shine today
The clouds will blow away
Maybe I won't feel so afraid
I will try to understand
Either way
Maybe you still love me
Maybe you don't
Either you will or you won't
Maybe you just need some time alone
I will try to understand
Everything has its plan
Either way
I'm gonna stay
Right for you
Maybe the sun will shine today
The clouds will roll away
Maybe I won't be so afraid
I will understand everything has its plan
Either way

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